Friday, March 25, 2011

Work work work.

So I'm pretty far along now with the second piece of my show.

Tell me what you think and come visit if you have to chance, the lighting for these photos is pretty terrible.  Have a good weekend guys.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Work in Progress

My second painting in senior studio has went through some major changes lately and I've been holding off on updating until it reached a point where I was satisfied with giving people a look at what I've been doing.

Having experimented with the color and different options I decided to step back and shoot new reference photos and see what changes could be made:

I've completely faded out the figure and brought in two new figures who are manipulating a light source.   Subtle drama infused by different light sources that the mysterious figures are dealing with or controlling is important for me to try and setup a more surreal painting.  I'm much more excited about this than before.

Sound off in the comments!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

some figure work

Spent the evening in a free figure drawing session.  Used the tablet and laptop for the first time in the studio with a live model.

quick 10 min ones..

a couple more 10 mins

Some 10 min ones on the right and a 30 min one on the left

Probably my favorite on the batch.. really got into the shading. Wish it had been a longer pose.

An hr and a half pose.  Decided to try it on a grounded canvas.. and to use some selective color and highlights.
Let me know what you think in the comments.